Monday, October 27, 2008

Aspiring..."the loss of early years"

I was in a program with children of 11-13 year old. as we started doing an activity to climb an artifical climbing wall. as the children started climbing a noticed a peculiar pattern. As it started one of the first one reached out for a hand hold beyond her reach and lost her foothold. never mind! there is always a saftey rope that arrests your fall. But she swang and and to redouble her effort. Next boy and the same result, I had to shout out to them to reach for what is in their reach. and the same thing happened participant after participant loosing their ground(less then a square inch when you are on a wall parallel to it). As I sat down with them afterwards and as they were reflecting, A thought crossed my mind and i asked them" you are in a school which is till 12th grade, are you all in teh school at the same time/, "yes!" they said. "so do you all have someone in higher classes you look up to?" they all looked at each other and smiled. Are you in a hurry to become like them? and they all started grinning.
This is where the world is I thought, Children at 11-13 can not just be themselves. They are already putting pressure on themselves to be someone!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Child is the Father of Menkind

What did I think of myself when I was 17 - nothing! Or may be that's what I think now. I did have some resolve even then. This is about that day when I went for joining my college REC Durgapur(now NIT). My father was with me to settle me in. The journey to Durgapur was some education and I am not talking about myself only.
We found out what Jhal Mudi is, but the knowing that takes the cake was finding out that Moongfalli(peanut) is also known as Badam(Almond) here in West Bengal. As the vendor passed bye calling "badam, badam" my father was really impressed with the prosperity of the region where Badam can be sold by petty vendors. He asked"kitne mai diya"(how much), the vendor said, " 2 rupye ka 100 gram". More shock and quick realization tat it can not be, so he asked him to show, and alas!it was poor peanuts!
Moral of the story- you can get only peanuts in peanuts!
Anyway we checked in to a hotel near the railway station and went for the college. As we reached and started the procedure for admission, I could see some seniors passing giving looks.
If Chickens could speak English I can have a conversation with them about how it feels when you know it is time for Halal, or Jhatka( ever wondered what will chicken prefer if they had a choice!) Couple of them asked about where I am from. Soon the world spread, a MP'ite is here. So some NICE seniors came forward to help. Unsuspecting Us thanked our stars and them for help. By now they had another Bakra from MP who was there for admission. One of them very nicely said lets go to the hostel for lunch and invited us.
Once in the hostel as food was coming they called me and the other boy in the adjacent room.
In case you don't know, let me tell you it is a very short walk from Heaven to hell!
The questioning begin, it is difficult to remember what they asked or what I answered after 21 years, but I remember their response to atleast 3 of my 5 answers. "SLAP""SLAP"SLAP". by the time my father finished his lunch I had also finished mine( I am proud of that moment to have let go my pride and eat, it didn't last in next 15 days ) and I guess the seniors also had their fill.
Admission secured, things in order we were back in hotel. Time for me to leave the shelter. Was I vulnerable that day, may be I was. Suddenly My father asked "did they hit you". I looked at him and got surprised at his look of worry. for many years we were not really connected and ignorant as I was I never noticed a father behind a Judge, a Husband and someone who decides and others follow. Time is a funny concept, because in that second or fraction of it I not only saw a father, I saw his vulnerability, I thought about reassuring him and said, " no they didn't, they were just asking some questions". And to top it all a proverb flashed through my mind "CHILD is the Father of Mankind" in that second.
In That Instant I grew up many years.
Afterthought: Wisdom can be so short lived, within next 24 hours I was at mercy of many what they believed"well meaning" mean seniors, but those are other stories for some other day....